To: Wrestling Coaches/Activities Directors
From: Jeff Bissen, Activities Director- Tucker Weber, Wrestling Coach
Date: January 14, 2020
Subject: JV Wrestling Tournament
GLENWOOD JV WRESTLING INVITE (with open class girl?s division)
Friday January 24th, 2020
TIME: 4:30 pm Start Time (Wrestler changes are due prior to 9:00am on Jan 24th)
TEAMS: AC/GC, Abraham Lincoln, Atlantic, Boys Town, Clarinda, Cedar Bluffs (NE), Coon Rapids Bayard, Creston, Glenwood, Griswold, Harlan, Mt. Ayr, Missouri Valley, Omaha Skutt, O. South, Shenandoah, SWI, Red Oak, Riverside, Thomas Jefferson, Lemars
Girls: Cedar Bluffs (NE), Westpoint (NE), Winnebago (NE), Cedar Bluffs (NE), Neb. City (NE), Plattview (NE), South Sioux City (NE), Schuyler (NE), Van Meter.
Track Wrestling: We will once again be using trackwrestling- coaches will be receiving an email a week prior to the tournament with information for the tournament. This will prompt you to put in your roster. We would like this information by January 23rd.
ROSTERS: We will pull this info from trackwrestling for the program
WEIGH-INS: Coaches will be responsible for weigh-in?s at your school
You may bring more than one athlete per weight class.
Seeding will be completed by GCHS from your turn in sheets.
Four mats will be used for the entire tournament.
Warm-ups can be in the wrestling room.
Awards ? individual medals will be given.
There will be a hospitality room provided for the coaches, bus drivers and administrators.
Locker rooms will be available but will be shared by all teams
Each team will be responsible for their valuables
Refs: Hazen, Van Ert, Irvin, Collins
ENTRY FEE: $100 per team ($15 per wrestler)
ADMISSIONS: $5 for adults and $5 for students.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Jeff Bissen
Glenwood Community High School
Activities Director
Office: 712-527-4897
Cell: 712-527-8661
Twitter: @GlenwoodRams