2015 Eastern CT Conf ECC Tournament

2015 Eastern CT Conf ECC Tournament

2015 ECC Wrestling Tournament at Windham High School on Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14 (a great Valentine`s Day date opportunity!) Medals awarded to top 6 finishers in each weight class Tournament Schedule Seeding Meeting to be held at Griswold High School on Thursday, February 12 at 7:00PM. All coaches must submit preliminary seed data via the Trackwrestling website prior to midnight Wed, February 11, 2015 (or sooner--following your final match). You will then have until 5pm on Thursday to note any ?head to head? wins in the TW program. This will allow the data to be ready prior to the seeding meeting. Your seeded entrants will be confirmed at the seed meeting. Be sure to have your accurate seed data calculated prior to submitting, bringing your scorebook to break ties, and weigh-in sheets for any weight class challenges at seed meeting. **Due to the forecast for Saturday changes and calls for earlier arrival of snow, the schedule for the start time is 1 hour earlier and the pace accelerated to ensure a speedy conclusion. See below... FRIDAY, FEB 13 2:30PM School Opens--Earliest arrival time for buses 2:45PM Scales Open for weight checks?NO FOOD in GYM 3:00PM Weigh-ins begin (by weight class?have your team on time) IF YOUR BUS BREAKS DOWN OR GETS LOST, PLEASE CALL DAVE NOWAKOWSKI at 705-2629 (Weigh ins on 3 scales take less than 30 min. with skin check & refs running scales & checking hair and nails. Minimum of 4 scales to be brought, so that any scale that is not ?close? can be eliminated from use) 3:45PM Coaches Meeting (draw for finals start weight) 4:30PM Round of 16 4 mats estimated 48 matches (max of 70) 75 min. 5:45PM & Consi 1st Round** 4 mats estimated 14 matches (max of 28) XX 5:45PM Champ Quarters 4 mats 56 matches 2 hrs 7:45PM Consi 2nd Round 4 mats estimated 48 matches (max of 56) 75 min. **Consi first round only occurs in a 13 or more wrestler weight class, in which case there will be 1or 2 consi matches in that weight. These will be worked into each weight class as it comes around, after the quarters in that weight. Wrestling should be completed approx 9PM Fri SATURDAY, FEB 14--note earlier start 8:15AM School Opens?early arrivals will be left out in the cold 9:00AM Champ Semis 2 mats 28 matches?1 ref per bout 2 hrs 9:00AM Consi Quarters 2 mats 28 matches?1 ref per bout 2 hrs 11AM 30 minute break for all officials and table workers 11:30PM Consi Semis 4 mats 28 matches 60 min 12:30PM Introduction of Finalists and National Anthem 12:45PM Champ Finals 2 mat 14 matches (2 refs per bout) 1 hr 2PM 3rd / 4th Finals (mats 1 & 2) 2 mats 14 matches 45 min. 2PM 5th / 6th Finals (mats 3 & 4) 2 mats 14 matches 45 min. 3PM est Presentation of all medals and awards at the conclusion of the last final
Event Info
2015 Eastern CT Conf ECC Tournament on Feb 13, 2015 through Feb 14, 2015 in Windham, CT.