All weigh ins will be in the Middle Sisters Building at the fairgrounds. USA Wrestling cards are required and fee is $20.All other Kids Divisions (Bantam, Intermediate, Novice and Schoolboy/girl must have qualified and registered at one of the qualifying tournaments.
All Bantam and Intermediates must weigh-in at 1:00PM on Saturday. Bantam and Intermediates will wrestle on Saturday only.( wrestling Starts at 4:30)
Novice, School boy/girl and Cadet Division wrestlers will weigh-in on Saturday night, 6:00-7:00 PM, not during the day on Saturday. There will also be a 7:00-8:00 AM weigh-in on Sunday for Novice, Schoolboy/girl and Cadets only. These three divisions will only wrestle on Sunday.
Cadet is an Open Tournament. Register at the Cadet Weigh-Ins !!!!!!!!!!