M.C.A.A. Wrestling Tournament
Keith Valley Middle School
February 7, 2019---Rain date February 14, 2019
Tournament Director: Frank Petrash
1. Teams should arrive at Keith Valley Middle School by 11:00 -11:15 AM for weigh-in.
2. Teams should report to the main gym and locate their team area in the stands. Note that the area is clean when you arrive and should be clean when you depart.
3. Warm-ups prior to the beginning of wrestling will take place on the following:
Abington Keith Valley Sandy Run
Lower Moreland Wissahickon Upper Moreland
Springfield Cedarbrook Colonial
1. The scratch meeting will be held at 11:45 in the hospitality room.
2. The meeting is for scratches only: NO additions will be permitted.
1. Bouts will begin at 12:00 PM.
2. Bouts will consist of three (3), one (1) minute periods
3. Three mats will be used for the preliminaries and semi-finals.
4. Two mats will be used for the Championship and Consolation Finals to take place simultaneously.
5. Wrestlers must report back to their team area after wrestling.
6. Wrestlers are not permitted at any scoring table other than during their match. Coaches only should check at the scorers table with any questions concerning bouts or the tournament.
7. Only coaches and tournament officials with the proper credential passes and bout participants will be permitted beyond the fan divider line.
8. Bout time will be kept to maintain the 45 minutes minimum between each wrestler?s participation.
1. Gold, silver, bronze, and platinum medals will be presented.
2. The awards will be presented at the conclusion of each bout.
1. All participants should bring their own food.
2. Eating will be permitted in the gym, but we are asking that those doing so keep the area clean by using available trash containers. Once again, coaches are responsible for policing their area.
3. Snack stand will be open for food purchases.
4. Lunch for coaches and officials will be provided.
1. First Aid will be available.
2. Teams should arrive ready to wrestle. No dressing facilities will be available.
3. Coaches are responsible for their wrestlers at all times.