Chargers Clash Open
Date: Saturday Nov. 12th, 2016
Location: 3354 Charger Drive, Chattanooga TN 37409
Contact Info: Kevin Wright - (tournament director)
Weigh-Ins: Start at 7:30 and end at 8:30
Weight Classes: 72 ? 78 ? 86 ? 94 ? 100 ? 108 ? 115 ? 123 ? 130 ? 140 ? 150 ? 165 ? 185 ? 215 ? HWT (275)
**You may enter as many wrestlers in one weight class as you choose**
Wrestling times: Championship side of bracket 1-2-2, consolation side of bracket 1-1-1
Wrestling will start between 9:30 ? 10:00 AM (depending on how much the brackets change do to scratches)
$11 per wrestler if less than 14
$10 per wrestler for 14 ? 24
$9 per wrestler for 25 or more
Medals: Given to 1st - 4th place
Concessions and tournament t-shirts will be sold.
Hospitality Room: Each team will be given up to 3 coaches Passes to the hospitality room. (Hospitality is for coaches, officials, and tournament workers ONLY!) DO NOT GIVE TO PARENTS OR STUDENT MANAGERS IF YOU HAVE AN EXTRA!