Placement Matches (8 Man)
Round 3 (3 Man)
Brandon Ayapan
B. Ayapan
F 2-0 0:22
Nels Alexie
N. Alexie
Everett Wassillie
E. Wassillie
F 2-0 1:07
William Tobeluk
W. Tobeluk
2nd Wrestleback (8 Man)
Round 2 (Best of 3)
Paul Guy
P. Guy
FOR 0-0
Tyson Maxie
T. Maxie
Round 2 (3 Man)
Semis & 1st WB (8 Man)
Round 1 (Best of 3)
Tyson Maxie
T. Maxie
F 6-0 2:47
Paul Guy
P. Guy
Round 1 (3 Man)
Troy Alexie
T. Alexie
F 2-0 0:49
Megan Nick
M. Nick
Klayton Maxie
K. Maxie
F 16-5 3:41