CHANGE - we are starting all age groups (6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, & 14U) at 9 am this year. Sorry for the late change. This was made to make the tournament run more effciently with the number of wrestlers participating.
Remote weigh-ins ONLY. We would like to get all the brackets straight the day before and let everyone sleep in for once. Teams must weigh-in their wrestlers on FRIDAY. The idea is that clubs might only have to conduct one weigh-in to support their open wrestlers competing on Saturday and novice competing on Sunday. Clubs will be granted access to the TW site in order to input weigh-in results. Send your club email to so we can provide you TW username/password and directions for weigh-in entry. Clubs also have the option of sending in weigh-in results to If we do not get weigh-in info on a wrestler by Friday, 8 pm, we will assume they are a scratch. Wrestlers not making their registered weight will be moved to the next weight class up.
Round robin brackets. At this stage in their development, wrestlers need as many matches as possible. We will attempt to make all brackets 4 or 5 man round robin brackets. Therefore, grouping of weights is possible to ensure matches.