Supreme Killer Individuals

Supreme Killer Individuals

````Supreme Killer Dual and Individual tournament on 10/31-11/1/2020 weigh in 10/30/2020 at early weigh ins are 2-4PM fee is $20 onsite ONLY free weight ins are 6-8PM 10/31- 815-330 10U and 15U Duals 330- finish 330-finish girls dual, individual for 7U,12U and HS 11/1 8AM Dual 7U,12U,HS 3PM - Finish Individual for 15U,10U, and girls There will be a .9 weigh allowance for all weights ````
Event Info
Supreme Killer Individuals on Oct 30, 2020 through Nov 1, 2020 in Greenwood , IN.