Holt 9/10 Tournamet

Holt 9/10 Tournamet

`-We will utilize trackwrestling this year. Include, name, weight, grade, school, and ability (A, B, C, D, with A being best and D lowest) -Enter rosters on trackwrestling by Thursday 12/9/21 at 3pm. Changes can be made but we need the rosters to facilitate the start of the tournament. -Wrestlers will be grouped in sets of 5 based on their weight (*true weight classes will be used.) Depending upon entries we may have a few groups of 6 or 4 depending on how many wrestlers we have around the same weight. Efforts will be made to avoid putting wrestlers from the same school into the same brackets. -Competition will be completed on 3 mats. *106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220, 285 Weigh-ins Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. This will be the official weigh in, and then we will set up the tournament. Any wrestler/team that does not make it to weigh-ins at least by the time officials are done weighing in those who are there on time will not be entered into the tournament. The potential for poor weather would allow for some leeway.`
Event Info
Holt 9/10 Tournamet on Dec 11, 2021 in Wentzville, MO.