``Weigh In 8:00 AM Mountain Crest High School Wrestling Room.
All participants must be in the wrestling room before 8:00 AM.
Wrestling starts at 10:00 AM.
We will wrestle straight through until Finals.
Finals will be held on one mat and will not start before 5PM.
Awards will follow each match.
We will run a modified 16 man bracket. If a participant looses in the first two rounds they will wrestle for 5th. Semi Final loosers will wrestle for 3rd.
Hospitality for Coaches and Officials will open at 8AM and Close at 5PM.
Breakfast will start at 8AM.
Lunch/Dinner will run continuously from Noon to 5PM.
For any questions please contact Doug Tovey 541-680-3016.`
4 pound allowance as Mountain Crest Wrestles Thursday and Friday.`