COVID 19 Restrictions
- Due to COVID-19 restrictions we ask that each wrestler only bring 2 adults with them. Please no siblings. We need to keep attendance down at the school.
- Masks are mandatory while in the school building by all.
Coaches Please enter your wrestlers weights on Thursday by 9p.m.
We will not have an extras tournament due to our Covid restrictions. However if you will notify us of any extras we will try to fill any empty spots on the teams.
Cost will be $250 per team. If you do not have a full team the cost will be $12 per wrestler. If you have any extras that we can fill in the cost will be $12 per wrestler.
Start times
Pool A will start at 8a.m.
Pool B will start at 1:30 p.m.
Please have transpertation available as we will be using both the High School facility and the Middle School in order to host the 12 teams. Each pool will be treated as a tournament. There will be no championship matches between the pools.`