Trojan Trained Throwdown

Trojan Trained Throwdown

2015 Trojan Trained Throwdown 12/12/2015 Northwest Cabarrus High School email: We will use a staggered start system, weigh ins are as follows: Tot-Bantam 7:00-8:00 Midget-Junior 9:30-10:30 Schoolboy-Elite 1:00-2:00 Wrestling Sessions Tot-Bantam 9:00-11:00 Midget-Junior 11:00-2:30 Schoolboy-Elite 2:30-5:00 Attack Bands tourney before each session. (Time Permitting) Speed and Agility Clinic by Josh McClure of XPE Sports from 10-2 (Included in the entry fee of the tournament
Event Info
Trojan Trained Throwdown on Dec 12, 2015 in Concord, NC.