Tournament Information
Lone Jack High School
313 S. Bynum RD
Lone Jack, MO 64070
Lone Jack Kick Off Classic
To: Wrestling Coaches and Athletic Directors
Date: December 3, 2016
Time: 9:00 am
Weigh-Ins: 7:00 am
Scales Open 6:00 am
The location of the tournament is at the high school on 313 S. Bynum RD, Lone Jack, MO.
Seed Meeting: 7:00 am at the high school. The tournament will be pre-seeded to save time and discussed at the meeting.
We will be using trackwrestling to administer the tournament. A trackwrestling information email will be sent out prior to the tournament. It contain information on entering athletes and deadlines. Please let me know if you have doubles at a weight class. I`ll will TRY to form a JV team for you and see if I can fit your extra wrestlers in.
Tournament Director: Ben Call, any questions related to the tournament or trackwrestling, please send to or call (816) 719-3975. All other questions can be sent to me at or our AD Todd Brendel at
Medals: Medals will be given to the top 3 wrestlers and a trophy for the top 2 Teams.
Bus Drop Off/Parking: Wrestlers can be dropped off at the East side (back) entrance and then the buses can be parked on the West side (front) of the school.
Entry Fee: $150 per team. Please make checks payable to Lone Jack High School