2020 Mountain View JV Invitational

2020 Mountain View JV Invitational

Do not delete teams in case there are late registrations. (Coaches will use the first link sent.) Delete the Advancement Points for each bracket type. Only two scorers per weight class (none for B bracket). Tried to get B brackets to 8 man for better balance Next Year scheme round all the way up to the Quarters. Next year check medal placers and change brackets to finish to that place. Started finals at 1:10 which was spotlighted. They did awards between final bouts. In order to spot light finals and be out by three we had to go through qtrs and consi rounds 1 and 3 in day one. We were able to do this because on Friday we had weigh-ins at 10 a.m. and started wrestling at 12:00 p.m. (which is three hours earlier than normal). Additionally, this year school was not in session as it has been during the past. Friday used 6 mats, Saturday cut to 5 mats. We set consolations times to the correct times for this year (prior year we set it for a 60,60,60 because of the number of kids).
Event Info
2020 Mountain View JV Invitational on Jan 3, 2020 through Jan 4, 2020 in Meridian, ID.