Maumee Bay Classic

Maumee Bay Classic

Dates of Competition: Friday Jan 12th and Saturday Jan 13th Event Time Line: Friday Jan 12: Weigh-In`s & Skin Checks: 8:00 a.m. (This 3 hours before has been approved by the State to accommodate weighing in over 45+ teams) 11:00 a.m. Wrestling begins **Friday Night Weigh-Outs at completion of wrestling for the day- approved by State Saturday Jan 13th: 8:00 a.m.- Weigh In`s(IF NEEDED)/Skin Check 10:00 a.m. Wrestling begins (we will wrestle up till the placement rounds along with the 7th/8th place match) 5:30 p.m. - FINALS $20.00 All session pass available on Friday or $8 a session (total 3 sessions) Gym open times for spectators: Friday - 10:00 Gym Cleared and entry accepted Saturday - 9:00 Gym Cleared and entry accepted For Finals- Gym Cleared and entry approx. 4:15-4:30
Event Info
Maumee Bay Classic on Jan 12, 2018 through Jan 13, 2018 in Oregon, OH.