Friday, February 16
1:30 PM Weigh-ins & Skin Check
3:30 PM Wrestling begins -
Championship Round of 32 on 6 Mats
Consolation Round 1 (Consolation Pigtails for any weights with more than 24 wrestlers)
Championship Round of 16
Consolation Round 2
Quarter Finals on 4 mats & Consolation Round 3 on 2 mats
Saturday, February 17
9:00 AM Weigh-ins
10:00 AM Consolation Round 4 on 4 Mats
11:00 AM Semi Finals and Consolation Round 5 on 4 Mats
Consolation Round 6
2:30 PM Championship Finals & Consolation Finals (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th) on 4 Mats