Watertown Youth 2017 Tournament

Watertown Youth 2017 Tournament

Watertown 7th Annual Youth Wrestling Tournament Watertown High School 825 Endeavour Drive, Watertown, WI 53098 Sunday, February 5, 2017 Check in 7:30-8:30 AM Last year wrestling was done at 1:43 PM USA Card Required DIVISIONS: Pre K-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-8th BRACKETING: * Best 2 out of 3 for groups with 2 wrestlers * 4-man round robin for groups with 3 or 4 wrestlers * 8-man brackets for groups with 5-8 wrestlers FORMAT: Folkstyle rules-3 one minute periods AWARDS: IN ALL BRACKETS medals will be awarded as follows: * Special pewter bobblehead for 1st * Medals aawarded for 2nd-4th * NOTE: No participation medals for 5th through 8th. FEES: $18.00 Pre-registration only at www.trackwrestling.com (NO WALK INS) Registration must be done by 10pm Friday February 3rd. No spectator fee CHECK-IN: No Weigh-in (honor system) Check in is mandatory: 7:30am - 8:30am Wrestlers not in the check-in line by 8:30 will be scratched. Questioned weights will be checked. Random checks are possible. EXTRA BONUSES: Olympic Champion, Ben Peterson will be addressing the wrestlers at 8:45 am in the field house. Wrestling will begin as soon thereafter as possible once last minute changes are made based on no-shows. Our target start time is 9:30am. Concessions available all day Questions? email: logan@watertown.k12.wi.us
Event Info
Watertown Youth 2017 Tournament on Feb 5, 2017 through Feb 4, 2017 in Watertown, WI.