Riverdale Middle School Tournament

Riverdale Middle School Tournament

Dear Coach, The Riverdale Middle School Wrestling Invitational will be held Friday, November 11th at the Riverdale Elementary School located at 800 N. 6th ST. Muscoda, WI. There will be no weigh-ins and we will be using Trackwrestling to run the event. You should be receiving a Trackwrestling log-in shortly. Please let me know if you have trouble logging in or don?t receive the link. When entering your roster put the wrestler?s weight and then rank them based on ability level (beginner, average, good, excellent). Your rosters need to be entered by Thursday, November 10th. If you have any scratches please email or call me before 2PM on Friday, the 11th. All brackets will be built before you get here and we will start wrestling immediately. First round starts at 4:30 PM. We will be running a 4 man round robin format, with three one minute periods. WIAA overtime rules will be used for the tournament. Awards will be medals for 1st and 2nd place winners. Entry fee is $80. If you have less than 8 wrestlers it is $10 per wrestler. There will be a full concession stand available throughout the evening. Entry fee for adults will be $2. Buses can drop the team off at either the South door or the main entrance. There are long parking stalls in the front of the building for buses to park. We look forward to having you and please contact me with any questions. Thanks, Jeff Campbell RHS Head Wrestling Coach W: 739-3101 Ext. 2017 C: 386-1259 jeff.campbell@riverdale.k12.wi.us
Event Info
Riverdale Middle School Tournament on Nov 11, 2016 in Muscoda, WI.