2016 Tomah Scramble

2016 Tomah Scramble

2016 TOMAH TIMBERWOLVES SCRAMBLE WRESTLING TOURNAMENT TO: Wrestling Coaches, Officials, Athletic Directors FROM: Tom Curran, Activities Director tomcu@tomah.k12.wi.us Eric Eswein, Meet Manager ericeeswein@tomah.k12.wi.us(608-374-7916) RE: 2016 Tomah Timberwolves Scramble Saturday, December 10, 2016 WHERE: Tomah High School 901 Lincoln Ave. (608) 374-7976 FAX: (608) 374-7290 ENTRY: $180.00 (Please bring check, if not sent already) INFORMATION ENTRY: Coaches must enter all of their information on line at trackwrestling.com Make sure you access the 2016 Tomah Scramble. PARTICIPATING TEAMS: (16) Baraboo Westby Caledonia Eau Claire Regis Cashton Richland Center Lancaster Royall Waupun Tomah Mauston Viroqua Mosinee Verona West Salem/Bangor WEIGH-INS: 8:00 AM All weigh-ins will be held in the Wrestling Loft. You may weigh in fourteen (14) wrestlers. Please notify Eric Eswein @ ericeswein@tomah.k12.wi.us by Wednesday December 7th if you have a match on Friday December 9th . COACHES` MEETING: 8:45 AM ? room TBA Lunch will be provided for coaches/officials during break in a room TBA FOOD: There will be a Concession Stand. Food will be allowed only in the cafeteria. Please review this with your wrestlers. WRESTLING SCHEDULE: (Five rounds/6 mats all rounds/9 officials) First round: 9:30 AM Second round: Immediately following first round Break: 30 minutes following second round Third round: Will follow break Fourth round: Immediately following third round Fifth round: Immediately following fourth round AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AFTER THE FIFTH ROUND. TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Matches: Round 1 will all be 2-2-2 matches. Rounds 2 Championship matches will be 2-2-2. Round 2 Consolation matches will be 1-2-2. Rounds 3, 4 and 5 will be 2-2-2 in Pool 1 and 1-2-2 in Pools 2, 3 and 4. Each wrestler should get five (5) matches. TEAM AWARDS: Champion and Runner-Up Plaque INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: (based on round-robin results) 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in Pool `1` will medal. 1st and 2nd in Pool `2`will medal. 1st in Pool 3 will medal. (Consolation) In case of equal records in a round-robin, the following criteria will be used to determine places and medal winners: 1 - head-to-head competition 6 - most near falls 2 - most team points in entire tournament 7 - most 3-point near-falls 3 - most pins in least amount of time 8 - most 2-point near-falls 4 - most technical falls 10 - fastest fall 5 - most major decisions 11 - lighter wrestler at weigh-in TICKETS: Students (All-day)- $3.00 Adults (All-day) - $5.00 All wrestlers, coaches, managers and bus driver are admitted free. SEEDING: Seeding will be done after all information has been entered via the internet. Deadlines are 1) 6:00pm on Friday the 9th for entries 2) 10:00pm on Friday the 9th for entering seeding criteria 3) 6:00pm-10:00pm on Friday the 9th to enter Head to Head information TAPE: Coaches are reminded to bring THEIR OWN tape for the wrestlers? shoes. Sincerely, Tom Curran
Event Info
2016 Tomah Scramble on Dec 10, 2016 in Tomah, WI.