Walsenburg MISFIT PeeWee Tournament

Walsenburg MISFIT PeeWee Tournament

Division ages Div I: 2014-2015 Div II: 2012-2013 Div III: 2010-2011 Div IV: 2008-2009 Div V: 2007- 2006 League Rules 2018 All tournaments start at 9am for Div?s I,II,III and not before 11am for Div IV and V. Weights will be within 5 lbs (not to exceed 20 lbs on the heavy weights) Host club will let other clubs know if they don?t have anyone for a kid to wrestle by 9pm Friday evening. 1 coach per 5 wrestlers will get a wrist band. Coaches pay the admission fee - everyone pays to get in. Admission $2.00 for high school and older; $1.00 middle school and younger (under 5 free). NO checks from public. Club checks only for entrance fees $10.00 for wrist bands. Only 2 people can be in the coaches box. Accepted 2-4-2018 To challenge a weight a $25.00 non refundable cash fee will be collected. If the wrestler is over they will be disqualified from tournament. (within 1.5 pounds) Birth Certificates and current insurance cards have to be present at all tournaments. All weights have to be in by noon the Friday before. NO double bracketing. All brackets posted on wall. All brackets will be in 4 or 5 man round robins (as much as possible). All matches will be 1 minute long for 3 periods (DIV I will be .30 seconds). Sportsmanship award, (Plaques) will be handed out by the hosting club to the team (in league) they feel has shown the best sportsmanship by the athletes, parents, coaches etc. Every athlete receives an award (trophies, ribbons, medals etc). Out of league teams pay $10.00 entry fee (cash at the door) and will pay as one team (not individually). Middle school kids CAN wrestle if they fit the age requirements. Out of club/state wrestlers have to show hosting club birth certificates and insurance cards before they can wrestle (even though they will be on a bracket). Kids in Div IV, V will start in the referees position after the 1st period. Accepted 2-4- 2018
Event Info
Walsenburg MISFIT PeeWee Tournament on Mar 17, 2018.