2015 Lourdes Academy OTW Classic

2015 Lourdes Academy OTW Classic

Welcome to the 25th Annual Lourdes Academy Oshkosh On The Water (OTW) Wrestling Classic! We hope you enjoy our tournament and we can`t wait to see some great high school wrestling! THANK YOU ALL FOR A GREAT YEAR!!! Schedule: -------- Tuesday December 29th: Weigh ins- 8:00 a.m. Coaches Meeting- 8:30 a.m. Wrestling Begins- 9:30 a.m. Wednesday December 30th: Weigh ins- 8:00 a.m. Coaches Meeting- 8:30 a.m. Wrestling Begins- 9:00 a.m. **Finals will begin roughly around 3:30 p.m. Admission Prices: (no change from last year) ---------------- 2 Day Passes- All Sessions Adults - $25.00 Students/Seniors - $22.00 Under 4 Years - FREE 1 Day Pass - Either Day Adults - $15.00 Students/Seniors - $12.00 Under 4 Years - FREE Champion Session Pass - 12/30/15 (after 2:00 p.m.) Adults - $10.00 Students/Seniors - $7.00 Under 4 Years - FREE Accommodations: -------------- We are very fortunate to have a great UWO campus partner in the Gruenhagen Conference Center. They have a message below for the coaches, parents, and guests of the wrestling teams: As the Oshkosh on the Water wrestling tournament fast approaches us on December 29th & 30th, I wanted let you know that we will be offering lodging for coaches and athletes at the Gruenhagen Conference Center, on the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus. Gruenhagen is conveniently located a short walking distance from the tournament venue, Kolf Sports Center. We have had many teams stay with us in the past and we gladly welcome those teams or any new teams to stay with us this year and into the future. We have 2 different styles of rooms available: - Standard Service rooms include 2 single beds (sheets, blankets, pillows) for $30 per night, beds are unmade upon check-in. - Full Service rooms include 2 single beds (sheets, blankets, pillows, towels) for $40 per night, beds are made upon check-in. If you are interested in making reservations with us to stay for the tournament please contact the Gruenhagen Conference Center front desk between 7am and Midnight, 7 days a week (closed Thanksgiving day and Christmas day) at 920.424.1106. A credit card will be required to reserve rooms and payment (via check, cash or credit card) will be due upon check-in. We are very excited to welcome you to the UW Oshkosh campus for the prestigious Oshkosh On the Water Wrestling Tournament! Thank You! Andy Schumacher Gruenhagen Conference Center University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Phone 920.424.3226 Fax 920.424.7422 Parking: ------- Spectators are welcome to park in Lots 13, 7, 5A, 25, 29, 14, and the Parking Ramp. Parking will not be allowed in Lots 15 or 6. You will be ticketed if you park in those lots. The fee for vehicles will be $5 if you park in the above lots. There is street parking available if you are looking to park without paying a fee. Please make sure to follow all city signs as they are in charge of parking in those locations and no exceptions will be made for tournament spectators. Link to campus parking map: http://www.uwosh.edu/map/UWO-ParkingMap2013.pdf -------------- Coaches Corner -------------- Your buses are allowed to drop you off at the doors of Kolf Sports Center but need to be parked in the lots by Gruenhagen Conference Center or the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center. They are located about a block away from the facility. Please connect with the Athletic Director for Lourdes Academy, Kevin Wopat, for any questions regarding registering or paying your school`s registration fee: kevin.wopat@lourdesacademyoshkosh.org. For any other questions, please contact the tournament hosts below for help. Angie Zemke Cell: 920-312-8777 Don Zemke Cell: 920-279-0082 Val Zemke: Cell: 920-573-2563 Jamie Zemke Cell: 920-287-6993 Thank you all for your participation and please let us know if you have any questions.
Event Info
2015 Lourdes Academy OTW Classic on Dec 29, 2015 in Oshkosh, WI.