2016 Florida Folkstyle State

2016 Florida Folkstyle State

Online Pre-Registration and Payment is Required. You must have a current 2016 USA Card# or USAW ID# to register. You will need to bring your Pre-Printed Weigh-In Form to Weigh-Ins and a Separate Weigh-In Form for each day. There will be No Walk-Up Registrations allowed at the Event. You must be Pre-Registered Online prior to the Close of Registration at 10pm on Thursday, March 10th. You will be allowed to compete in only one division or weight class per day. Women Division participants may also participate in Rookie or JV Divisions, if eligible. From now until February 15th the Early Bird Entry Fee is $30.00. From February 16th - March 7th the Standard Entry Fee is $35.00. From March 8th - March 10th the Late Entry Fee is $45.00. All Entry Fees must be paid prior to the close of registration at 10pm on March 10th
Event Info
2016 Florida Folkstyle State on Mar 13, 2016 in Kissimmee, FL.