Tom McGarvie Earlybird Scramble 2017

Tom McGarvie Earlybird Scramble 2017

LOCATION OF GYM: Watertown High School, 825 Endeavour Drive, Watertown, WI 53098 DETAILS: Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017 Weigh-ins: 8:30AM - Weigh-ins are on electronic scale located in the balcony above the locker rooms in the East Wing. There will be a 1-pound allowance due to a Friday night dual by Verona HS with Madison Memorial. The school will be open at 7:30am for teams wishing to arrive early. Coaches` Mtg.: 9:00 AM - Room W107B (In west wing - look for signs). Lunch will be provided for coaches and officials in this room during the break after the second round. SCHEDULE: Round 1: Wrestling will begin as close to 10am as possible. Round 2: Immediately following the first round BREAK: Approximately 45 minutes; after last wrestled match in round 2. Round 3: Immediately following the break (approximately 2:00PM) Round 4: Immediately following the third round (approximately 3:45PM) Round 5: Immediately following the fourth round (approximately 5:30PM) Awards: Presented during the fifth round for individual awards. Team awards will follow the conclusion of wrestling.
Event Info
Tom McGarvie Earlybird Scramble 2017 on Dec 2, 2017 in Watertown, WI.