Douglas Blubaugh won the Gold medal at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. In the championship bout, Blubaugh defeated the legendary Emam-Ali Habibi, an Olympic Champion and three-time World Champion. Born in Oklahoma, Blubaugh attended Oklahoma State University where he won the NCAA chamionship in 1957. Blubaugh was named the World's Outstanding Wrestler in 1960 after his Olympic victory and went on to coach at the University of Indiana. Doug passed away on May 16, 2011 at the age of 76.

The defeat of a Legendary Habibi
May 3, 2009
Doug Blubaugh didnt want to know who he was wrestling so he isolated himself the whole day he was wrestling in the Olympics. It took him his whole life to get to where he had gotten and nothing in the next 30 minutes was going to change him. HE didnt even know who Habibi was when he stepped out on the mat.