Domestic Men's Freestyle Rankings

92 kilograms

Having to go through Jay Aiello, Nate Jackson, and Killin Moore, Michael Macciavello did not take the easy route to a US Open title. However, he is rewarded for troubles with a spot in Final X and the #1 spot at 92 kg. Previous #1-#5 all just slide down a spot.

2022 U23 World silver medalist Jacob Cardenas looked good defeating Stephen Buchanan and Kyle Haas, so he comes in behind Jay Aiello, who he lost to. John Gunderson finished in 8th place while Nick Stemmet and Kyle Haas lost in the bloodround.

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1Mike MacchiavelloWolfpack WC3 (97)
2Nate JacksonNJRTC1
3Kollin MooreOhio RTC2
4Eric SchultzNWRTC3
5Morgan McIntoshArmy WCAP4
6Jay AielloCavalier WC5
7Jacob CardenasSpartan Combat RTCNR
8John GundersonPanther WCNR
9Nick StemmetCalifornia RTCNR
10Kyle HaasCowboy WCNR