2023-24 EIWA Conference Wrestling Rankings

197 pounds

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1Michael BeardLehighSR6
2Lou DeprezBinghamtonSR7
3Jacob CardenasCornellJR8
4Luke StoutPrincetonJR11
5Cole UrbasPennSR27
6John CrawfordFranklin & MarshallSR30
7Jack WehmeyerColumbiaSO31
8Logan DeacetisBucknellJRNR
9Cael CrebsNavyJRNR
10Wolfgang FrableArmySONR
11Ibrahim AmeerDrexelJRNR
12Nikolas MillerHofstraSONR
13John DuszaLIUSONR
14Liam Volk KlosAmericanFRNR
15Alex WhitworthHarvardJRNR
16Lear QuintonBrownSRNR
17Jake TrovatoSacred HeartSONR