2024-25 Big Ten Conference Wrestling Rankings

157 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed or a weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Big Ten rankings in the subject line.

1Jacori TeemerIowaSR1
2Tyler KasakPenn StateSO3
3Antrell TaylorNebraskaSO4
4Paddy GallagherOhio StateJR6
5Tommy AskeyMinnesotaSR7
6Ethen MillerMarylandJR8
7Joey BlazePurdueFR9
8Trevor ChumbleyNorthwesternSR11
9Chase SaldateMichiganSR18
10Jason KraisserIllinoisSR30
11Bryce LoweryIndianaFRNR
12Conner HarerRutgersFRNR
13Luke MechlerWisconsinJRNR
14Braden StauffenbergMichigan StateSONR