2024-25 Illinois High School Wrestling Class 3A Rankings

132 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed? A college commitment or weight change we didn’t catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Illinois HS 3A rankings in the subject line.

RankNameSchool Year College
1Zach StewartMarmionJR
2Bruno CassioppiHononegahSO
3Justin WilliamsonChicago Mount CarmelSO
4Shawn KoganStevensonJR
5Griff PowellPlainfield NorthSO
6Madden ParkerSandburgJR
7Tyson ZvonarLincolnway EastSR
8Jack DuraskiBataviaSR
9Jacob SiwinskiLincolnway WestJR
10Zev KoranskyOPRFJR