2024-25 California High School Wrestling Rankings

150 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed? A college commitment or weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include California HS rankings in the subject line.

RankNameSchool Year College
1Daniel ZepedaGilroySRNorth Carolina State
2Ivan AriasBuchananSOOregon State
3Niko ValenzuelaFountain ValleySR
4Matthew LunaSt. FrancisSR
5Max Del BosqueClovis NorthSR
6Sergio GomezSt. John BoscoJR
7Tristan FernandezBonitaSR
8Roman GutierrezBullardSR
9Elias ReyesKingsburgSR
10Logan StruthersClovisSR