2020-21 NCAA DI Rankings
Hitting The Dusty Trail
Sadly it appears that Kaid Brock's season, and likely his career, are over due to another injury. Dusty Hone is in for the Cowboys and is a top 20 caliber wrestler. He finished last season in the top 15, but this season has a loss to Lenny Peterson so the Falcon comes in as well, but just behind Clay Carlson who he lost to earlier this year.
Parker Filius and Peter LiPari come out after taking unranked losses to Dylan D'Emilio and Darren Green respectively.
Finally, Sam Hillegas comes back in. He's been knocking on the door to get back in, and has no unranked losses.
Do you have questions or comments for the rankers? We welcome and encourage your feedback. Hit up Andrew Spey (email: Andrew.Spey@flosports.tv; Twitter: @SpeyWrestle) and Kyle Bratke (email: Kyle.Bratke@flosports.tv; Twitter: @Kbratke)
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