2019-20 High School Rankings


Much like 220lbs there wasn’t much movement at 285lbs. Isaac Righter (MD) and Jake Kaminski (PA) left the rankings since they have not been on the mat. #19 James Howard (TN) and #20 Curtis Ruff (FL) entered the rankings with titles at the Cheesehead and Knockout Classic. 

#14 Josiah Hill (CA) took the lead in the rivalry will #15 Nicholas Villareal (CA) with a decisive victory in the Doc B finals.

Note that #3 Nash Hutmacher’s (SD) results posted in the OPC show that he is 21-0 on the season with 21 first period falls. 

Please email any feedback to Brock Hite at hitebrock@gmail.com or DM @RankingsBrock on Twitter.

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