2022-23 NCAA DI Rankings
165 - David Carr
The only change in this set of rankings at 165 is a significant one - David Carr is your new number 1! Carr controlled reigning 165-pound national champion Keegan O’Toole in a 7-2 decision win. Along with that win, David Carr is 19-0 on the year and boasts ranked wins over #4 Quincy Monday, #6 Dean Hamiti, #7 Julian Ramirez, #9 Patrick Kennedy, #10 Alex Facundo, #12 Peyton Hall, #14 Gerrit Nijenhuis, #17 Matthew Olguin, #19 Wyatt Sheets, #20 Holden Heller, #23 Austin Yant, and HM Cole Moody.
Questions or comments for the rankers? We welcome and encourage your feedback. Hit up Jon Kozak (email: Jonathan.Kozak@flosports.tv; Twitter: @KozakJon) and JD Rader (email: jd.rader@flosports.tv; Twitter: @rader_jd)