2022-23 NCAA DI Rankings
174 - Carter Starocci
Peyton Mocco defeated Dustin Plott and rises to #6. Along with the Plott win, Mocco also has ranked wins this season over Tate Picklo, Gaven Sax, Bailee O'Reilly, and Cael Valencia.
Clay Lautt was upset by Luca Augustine and drops 7 spots. While that might seem like a "big drop" for the 2022 All-American, Lautt is only 6-3 on the year and doesn't have a ranked win on his record. On top of that, Lautt also has a loss this year against HM Will Miller.
Andrew Berreyesa and Cael Valencia return to the rankings this week. Berreyesa took out Gaven Sax while Valencia defeated #21 Aaron Olmos and formerly ranked Triston Wills.
Questions or comments for the rankers? We welcome and encourage your feedback. Hit up Jon Kozak (email: Jonathan.Kozak@flosports.tv; Twitter: @KozakJon) and JD Rader (email: jd.rader@flosports.tv; Twitter: @rader_jd)